Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's eat!

In 1975 First Presbyterian Church saw a need to start feeding the homeless and hungry. They called the meal service "The Stewpot". By the early 1990s, the program, which now included casework services, had grown so much we moved across the street into our present building. Over 30 years and several additional programs later, The Stewpot is still working hard to make sure our friends on the streets have the most basic need - food.

In May 2008 The Stewpot became the sole meal provider at The Bridge, Dallas' homeless assistance center. Instead of five meals a week, we began serving 3 meals a day every day of the year. A huge jump, but our volunteers and staff have stepped up to the challenge in a big way!

Just to put it in perspective:
Almost 50,000 meals are served each month. So far we've served 19,600 meals in June. With an average of 43 volunteers per day we have approximately 1,300 volunteer slots a month.

Since the Bridge opened in 2008, Stewpot staff and volunteers have helped prepare and serve 1,856,900 meals! Since 1975 The Stewpot began in 1975, we have served over 4,158,668 meals!

It really is incredible! So, how can you be involved? Of course you can always sign up for a meal service. All sign ups are done online through our website.

Another option is to donate to our Loaves and Fishes program. The Loaves and Fishes Program allows you to "underwrite" part of the cost of a meal or a day of meals. Individuals, groups, businesses and congregations are coming together to make this happen. Adopting a meal or a day of meals makes a great gift!  Acknowledgement cards are sent to honorees per your instructions and posted on this website. Our Calendar is updated weekly.  For more information you can call Lee Hutchins: 214.746.2785 ext. 236.

A huge, huge thank you to everyone who has played a part in our meal service!

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