Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How 'bout them Cowboys?

You can probably guess where most people will be this Sunday at noon... in front of their televisions watching the Dallas Cowboys take on Tampa Bay. Nothing rivals football season in the fall. Especially the Cowboys. But what about those loyal fans who don't have a tv or a place to watch the game? They miss out on something they really enjoy and an opportunity to hang out with fellow fans.

The Stewpot opened its doors for the Cowboys' season opener a couple of weeks ago. Over 100 people attended. They enjoyed the first victory of the season, good food, and camaraderie. This is something we'd really like to keep going for a couple of reasons: 1) It gives the people we serve an opportunity to hang out and have some fun. 2) It provides another volunteer opportunity on the weekends.

We'll open up for game day watch parties on Sundays (only for 12PM or 3PM games). The 7PM games cause an issue with curfews and getting beds at shelters. So this is where the opportunity comes in for you! We would love to have volunteer groups come in and provide snacks, pass out drinks, pop some popcorn for everyone to enjoy, and hang out and get to know our clients.

If you have a group of friends, church group, work group, etc. interested in sponsoring and volunteering one of the games, contact Stephanie McKee ( We'd love to have you as early as the game this week! This week the Cowboys play Tampa Bay at home at 12PM. If you're a fan, this is an incredible opportunity for you!

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