The Representative Payee program at the Stewpot helps those
who are not able to manage their Social Security funds. We assist with finding housing, making sure
all bills are paid on time, and the client’s basic needs are met. Prior to today we had 43 clients in our Payee
program. Today I am glad to say we now
have 42.
Dee came into my office 3 months ago confused, anxious, and
scared. When she would speak her words
were not clear. This time, Dee has been
homeless a minimum of 6 months. Dee has
faced many obstacles in her life, such as schizophrenia, and homelessness had
become a way of life for her. Dee
received Social Security but was unable to receive any funds without a
dependable Representative Payee. She was
referred to our Payee program, where our beautiful relationship began.
After several weeks of meeting we developed a trust with one
another and Dee’s speech had become easier to understand. The more our relationship grew, the easier it
became to communicate. The more we met
the more I was able to communicate her self-worth that started with shaking
hands, to hugging goodbye.
After 2 months in our program it was apparent that Dee was
forgetful and seemed to be unable to clean herself. I was excited to hear that she was open to
the idea of being paired up with a care center that would then bathe, feed, and
house her. She was interviewed in my
office, and shortly thereafter I was informed that she did not qualify for
their level of care. I was discouraged.
Some will always be homeless. I didn’t want that for Dee, but I had to try
to understand.
Two weeks later Dee enters my office. Something was different. Her eyes were filled
with new kind of sadness. Her eyes
pierced my heart deep. We talked about
hygiene and housing. It was then
revealed that she did not shower, because she feared all her clothes would be
stolen while she was in the shower, a very tough reality in her world. Dee was ready, ready to move on and move off
the streets, she was desperate. She pleaded, begged.
That day I was able to pair her with a group home that is
above and beyond honorable. Dee was
taken to the house to see if she would be interested in living there. When Dee arrived back in my office her words
were clear and her eyes sparkled when she came back to tell me that she “loves
After living in her new home for 3 weeks now she continues
to speak clear and smile more than I have ever seen. Her hair is dyed, her clothes are clean, and
her smile is constant. We laugh together
now, and when we embrace it is something of meaning and depth. She is now singing Praises to the Lord at
Church in front of her new church family.
She went from having no voice, to singing praising to our
her King.
-Sonnie Kinsey
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