October is a Special Month for StreetZine
This October StreetZine is celebrating 10 years of offering financial opportunity to homeless and economically disadvantaged individuals in Dallas.

StreetZine, the local street paper published by The
Stewpot, is circulated primarily in the downtown area by homeless &
impoverished citizens of Dallas. The paper will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary in October and is
extending an invitation for you to purchase a $20. business card size booster
ad for the special full-color October Anniversary Edition. Ads can be personal
or commercial and larger ads will also be available at an adjusted rate. Ad
requests must be received no later than September 10 to be included in the
October edition. For additional information or to place an ad contact StreetZine
editor Pat Spradley at 214-746-2785, ext. 334 or email pats@thestewpot.org