This summer I had the privilege of
completing my Girl Scout Gold Award under the direction of Lilli Curtis and
Suzanne Dwight. For my project I created
a curriculum of math games and activities for the Summer Day Camp program. I first had this idea when I worked with the
Summer Visiting Youth Program during Community Ministries Week. Throughout that week I noticed that there
were multiple reading classes, which were increasing the students’ reading
skills. However, they were still
struggling with basic math, but there was no math class. When I approached Suzanne and Lilli with my
project proposal they were excited and very willing to fit it into the new math
classroom Lilli created.
The major portion of my project was creating a
curriculum of hands-on math games and a way to test how the games improved the
children’s math skills throughout the summer.
The curriculum included a pretest, a post-test, and six math games for
each grade - first through fourth. For
six weeks I volunteered each Monday and Wednesday in the computer classroom
where I lead the first through fourth grade classes in the hands-on math
games. The games focused on basic math
facts, time skills, and money skills.
While playing the games, the children also learned social skills
including taking turns, communicating desires, and building friendships.
The matching games were by far the children’s
favorites. The last day of day camp I
let the students vote on their favorite game to determine what game they would
play. Each grade voted for one of the
three matching games. The kids also
enjoyed the time relay race. They were
always full of energy, so they loved being able to run up and down the
hall. Combining physical activity with
math questions created a more enjoyable learning environment.
The best part of my project was the
interaction with the students. I could
not have asked for a better group of students. The children were open to new
ideas and, new volunteers. I had no idea
what to expect the first week I volunteered.
The children were so welcoming and had the biggest smiles on their
faces. I also appreciate all the parents
and church staff who came and supported the program the last two day during the
open house. This program would not be
possible without their love and support.
By: Allison Brockette